I have been a hairdresser for over 25 years now, I decided to specialise in Bridal Hair in 2002 after I got married and became a freelancer.
This is me on my wedding day in 2002!
Having experienced all the heightend feelings you go through as a Bride, I know it changed the way I helped all Brides after that special Day.
You really can't know how your going to feel on your wedding day and everyone has their own unique way of dealing with it.
I thought I would cry and never imagined how nervous I would be, but thanks to one person, who wasn't a friend or family member, taking the time to give me some tips on deep breathing to calm my nerves and reminding me that I was " just going to marry the man of my dreams" it helped enormously!
Whilst having a near meltdown in the loo, as the time loomed ever nearer to making my grand entrance, I took her advise practising breathing deeply in and out slowly. It really works!
Also remebering the words of my future hubby telling me he didnt want to see me a tear stained mess as we met to get married made me pull myself together.
I remember by the time we stood side by side, even tough my knees were knocking together under my gown, looking at my man resplendent in his white tie, tails and beaming smile that everything would be ok.
So that said I can reassure you that I will always have your back and guide you to your own magical moment in the spotlight with fabulous hair to boot!
This is me being Bridesmaid to my very good friend Shelly at her wedding in Cuba!
A totally different kind of wedding for me and so special watching our friends get married in the glorious sunshine with obligatory Mojito's and Pina Colada's!
My tongs not getting as hot because of the different voltage,the last minute rushing around cutting bouganvilea for my hair from the gardens, in my dressing gown!
The panic, when having suggested attaching her train by the button whilst she walked through the hotel to get to the beach, when I realised I couldn't undo it as it had pulled tight! Her brother had to snap with his teeth!
To the emotional tears as I knew she was as happy as me!
As with most wedding preperations there is usually one thing that goes not quite to plan, you can rely on me to keep cool and calm in a crisis there is always a solution to every problem!
I've lost count of the number of Brides and Bridesmaides I've now styled over the years, since I became a freelancer, each Bridal party is such a pleasure to be part of.
It's always fascinating to see the changes in styles of hair, dress and accessories.
I'm constantly keeping up to date with all new styles and trends.
With a wealth of experience behind me I will continue to offer a friendly, proffessional service for many years to come.